” To look amazing”

A structural glass solution that thar allows light penetration that offer protection from the weather. It is an attractive and  practical  feature in any modern building as it gives  modern image of a clear  flat roof hovering lightly over the entrance, or as a covered walkway or shelter.

Only tempered safety glass with  lamination is used for impact resistant safety. Clear glass is always a popular choice but other option of tinted glass or sandblasted glass is also used to diffuse light and visual obsurity.

There area few mounting methods used in installing canopy roof ie steel tension rod,  bolt/clamp fixed, fully framed, all edges supported or two opposite edges supported. Depending on the size specification, design loads, structure and glass fixing method we  provide a full-service fabrication for canopy system from design,  structural metal  frame and glazing installation.

Contact us for your custom glass project